
Monday, October 29, 2012

Process to move with Syncing Google Plus and +Local Pages

It is not necessary that anyone should go with syncing both the pages i.e. Google Plus and +Local Pages, as the significance of syncing / switching over completely to a Google +Local page are still unclear.  Hence I decided to just show the process for merging the pages in case anyone needs it.  So, for those of you still on the fence, perhaps the following before-and-after walkthrough will help you decide whether it’s right for your business to sync yet.
Below are two major points as marked by Mike Blumenthal in his version of this post:
- You must have a +Business page to start this process, if not, create one.
- For a +Business Page to be upgraded, page category must be Local, else it cannot be upgraded.

Pointed Notes on the Process

  1. To start with process you must have a Google plus page. It you haven’t already, create a Google Plus Page for your business at, and choose “Local Business” as the type of page.
  2. If you haven’t already created/verified a +Local Page, create / verify a traditional +Local Page at 1 and 2 steps can be done in any order; but make sure they both are done in the same Google 
  3. Visit to your Google Plus Page after signed into your Plus account.
  4. Mouse over “Unverified.” With the business name
  5. Go through the Verification prompts. Only postcard process.
  6. Wait for the postcard to arrive at your business address.
  7. Re-visit your Plus page with the same process as in step 3 and step 4.
  8. Mouse over “In Progress” and click the Enter Pin button.
  9. Enter the PIN that is included in your postcard. This will verify your Google Plus page.

The Initial Verification

I had already set up a generic Plus page for my client business. Here’s an idea of what that page looked like prior to the upgrade of Leavitts Auto Care. Drag mouse over the “Unverified” link. This brings up a verification pop-up window (See Image for the same):

The verification process is pretty straightforward. It just asks for the address verification. Just click “Verify Now”.

Once you are finished with the process, you page will have an message for the mailer sent as

I will be posting more information on this. Keep on checking for more information.